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Friday, July 10, 2009

Things I've learnt this week...

Had a couple of school trips this week. On Monday we took our Year 6 to a local secondary school for a Science Day. One of the lessons was about owls. I never knew that their eye colour tells us when they hunt. Orange eyes mean they hunt at sunrise or sunset, yellow during the day and black at night. Maybe this is common knowledge, but I really didn't know that!

Then the following day I went with Year 5 to a Victorian school museum and learnt how to add up pounds, shillings and pence. I'm very glad things have changed, although it was really interesting to learn how to add again!


  1. I only found out about owls & their eye colour last year - so it was quite a revelation to me too - LOL! - Thanks for your comment on my blog too xx

  2. Oh good! Sometimes I think I should have known about something by the time I get to my age! That's OK :) x

  3. I never knew about the colour of their eyes, interesting though. Glad you had fun. :o)


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